Saturday, September 13, 2014

Two months since my last post

So much has happened - absolute turmoil.

So no posts, although in some ways writing the blog is something that I enjoy and that helps me with perspective.

First thing is that following my fall in Dunedin, I had a CT scan that showed that I'd had a stroke in the past - not a good thing. This meant some medication, and an renewed emphasis on exercise, so the biking has continued unabated (if also undocumented). A follow-up visit to a specialist Neurologist, and an MRI scan revealed that I hadn't, in fact, had a stroke - and that my brain is normal (at least physically).

This was obviously a big relief, although the exercise program is going so well, there's no way I'd stop anyway.

There are a couple of other bad things happening at the moment, so getting out on the bike or for a long walk is just the thing even if it does sometimes end in tears.

I've had two decent falls off the bike recently, not counting the gentle ones into tussock on the Port Hills, so am glad of the gloves and helmet.

The bike is going along really well, and with some advice from workmates, my technique is slowly improving and together with improved fitness, Strava is taking a beating (14 PRs today at McLean's Island for example).

The big news is that I have caved in and ordered clip-in pedals - which should be good for a few laughs as I get used to them. Apparently everyone falls over trying to stop so that's something to look forward to.

Commuting has been good, but not as many days as I'd like. I am using the bike more for local errands and it's such a great way to clock up a bit of exercise.
